Flextime: Have opinions changed?

Flextime: Have opinions changed?

mina heidari, copy editor

During the 2017-2018 school year, Vista del Lago High School  implemented a new program called FlexTime. This program gives students extra time during the school day to improve their grades and get help from teachers. It’s also designed to ensure that every student, no matter the grade level, receives the additional time and support necessary for academic success.

After almost a year of FlexTime’s implementation, opinions regarding the new schedule seem to have changed for some people.

“I think that FlexTime is beneficial, and I’ve always thought that it would be cool, and I still feel  the same way now,” said junior Robel Gayles. “It provides a friendly environment to learn with your friends.”

Elvis Thomas, a sophomore, also felt that the new schedule was extremely helpful for extra academic support.

¨I like it. I think it’s really useful. My opinion really hasn’t changed because I always need extra help and time before tests and my harder classes, so having FlexiSched as an option was pretty good.¨

Nonetheless, after almost a year of FlexTime’s implementation, opinions regarding the new schedule seem to have changed for some people.

¨I didn’t like it at the beginning because I thought that it cut off the time we could be in our classes learning,” said junior Halli Stewart, “but I like it a lot now just for the simple fact that you get extra help in the classes you´re struggling with in the middle of the school day, rather than doing it after school.”

“I love FlexTime a lot. It gives my ceramic students extra time to work on their really cool projects,” said Debra Kile, a ceramics teacher. “My opinions have definitely changed from the beginning until now because at first, I used to think that I was just babysitting a bunch of students, but now I know to only accept the students who truly need extra support and teacher’s help during FlexTime. I really feel like it’s a wonderful schedule, I really love it.”

Overall, FlexTime seems to have been beneficial to Vista’s students and will continue to benefit them in the upcoming academic years.