Close Call at Vista


Natalia Maverakis

Tony Ruiz, now being called a hero by the people of Vista del Lago, poses for his close up

On November 14, around 2:30 PM, two unidentified men entered Vista del Lago’s campus near the library. Tony Ruiz, an English teacher at Vista, was in the library when he noticed the two men.

“The two guys clearly didn’t belong,” said Ruiz.

Ruiz confronted the two men and asked what they were doing on campus. The men responded by saying they were there to watch the football practice, so he instructed them that they needed to check in at the office, redirecting them away from where they were headed.

The men eventually proceeded to leave.

Later that day, Folsom High School reported that their locker rooms were broken into by two individuals of a similar description; locks cut off and valuables were stolen. However, these two instances may not be connected.

Ruiz added that he didn’t feel he was a hero; he was just doing his job.

When asked if Vista is a safe campus, vice principal Ann Botsford said, “We are doing more training; however, it is important to tell an adult if you see anything suspicious.” Botsford also mentioned that everyone should have the mindset to keep the campus safe.